[\. DATE - TIME GROUP 2. Location | L7OO ocal | 16 Dec 53 17/01002_|__ Agoura, Calif


4. NUMBER oF OBJECTS Lenticular Cloud.

one 5. LENGTH OF OBSERVATION |11. BRIEF AND ANALYSIS | 5-7 mins | First ngpenven as black stationary cloud, then rapid \ 5. TYPE OF OBSERVATION. movement in long shallow climb

ground & air visual


O Yes O Ne

FORM FTO sep 63 0-329 (TDE) previous editions of this form may be veed.

—— i bi pet, pe, op

. T2320 9 rat, Coro Se ls hes lL a Oe CO pa pl * a & Cr! + © 3.4 Di . glLon ie arth | “2 it ib Ye PAls Ly ly) aioe \ ¥en: : ‘e y ee su je CTs YUYING SAUCias * # . * @ of witnassias the presence of an object a 1 WY¥=2 airplanes wibh Mr. ct Att Sal ee Mc | * ee méenipers Of Une fsige +t Crown ie ¢ in the p2atot's cas AG ot 1 “ry aby fF Jennrsesc : , >; O% 4 hile flying off the coast in tra Lcunmity or § bject ap- rently atendiog still in tha air off the coast, in tia Vicinivy of hl Magu eware flying at 16,000 ft., and to te be: Lk my : ma opject , 2 the + ee ; | ar i a. Tine ou7 ‘Ter 0; te: , 33 Pein Die , 7 - 1 ane ; 21 :" ae te tee Ld 5. ol ;* 3 wy Do 14 zp Tin] *s 1SGi) r 4. Av reca ct 3 pit , a Ma vo . “74 a dbeight background. Ths vackground 2 OYA RAG cua ime fec% Ghat the san ¥ 4u5% setting, The s0jeco appscard : ts move while we proersssad with our te For a few moments ve tusned t. tivnane teward tra object but did not apparen ohenee our distance sufficimtly to cet eny change O41 imp S15! f estimate tnav the object wag hovering in cur eight for about ten minuce hereafter, 1% sud denly accolerated due woet and in a “ine, du ‘vhe ¢ oC of 10 <a , Oleapre. Fd ge pc ; , ls The following day it was revealed seen the ide ~ m| 5S ore reais aetean i iT: Ae ta p Ya... , miro 4H \“~- Li hee 000 =| a ie | | file oe Vell Lig wre | s\.< : oe Ae ode ae | teresting. Tne difference in ths po ‘ticalls betwean us indicate that the obdjsct had sufficient depth to climinate tho pase bility that 14 was a cloud phenomenca. 15% similarity of the eXplarations of th shape and actions of the object is x wtat‘able. Hovever, the bisckness mace 1% Smoossible to discern anything Gut the basis outline. | rio ti



Ros samuszy 21, 1954 09: IntraeFlisht Tost Files a 12028 Pau6 2 52980

Guhj: FLING Saccurs,

LAG A302, wi a

o3 FL Jf ‘XS

Cn Doacnber 16, 2955, I was aboard W/-2 airpiaze ae «5 pilot na Compilos,

iy ineers 39 in the OOGLDLS »

As nbout 6:00 PM wo woro over the Catalina channel area (botresm Avalon gal Palos Vordes hills) at 15000«k3000 #%., on top of a seattorod to brsken overcast. Tho horiscon was woll Geftrod by tho rays of cho setbicg somm, aml the sky abevs the crersast wus dloar,

Cur attersioa was dratm to what looimd like a darco alvplmo off to ths Yight., Wo were roughly parailoling ths coast o& the tims, and Roy, I oy

hink, mentioned, “Share's a flying aaucer”’. We havo kidded Roy « good doal about flying cousers zines the aight about to yours aco Waca ho

end Bob Laird wero tn 19615 ond sighted gose lirchts over Catalina, Taross lichts ropartedly ateood still for a walle anc moved around ovor tho 4eland end Mnally divappearad.

Lwags standing between the plloty and observed the objest out of the cen pilots window in 45026 | attention was ulse drava to tho

objoot. Rudy, who ws Plylar at the tim, turned sround and headed

tumerd the objoot. During this tine, 1% scemad to be stationary, alshouge Wo did not oopear "ws overtakes it at ail. Uy first shoucght was thas ii

Was a large alzplaze, possibly a Gei24, bus arsar looking moro cLosel;,

1% socomed to look more liko a large cbhjsct without wings with « caxluom thickness in the middle tapering toward olther sido, I sould noe dist inguisa front or rear on the object, IS so med to be sorcvhat above us and to

the ost, over the water, possibly in the vic inity of Tanta Barbara Islonds.

ifter Looking at the objeat off ond on for about five minutes, it deaame apparent thas 16 wes moving sway Prom us and in 3 rn minute or tio 1% cémpletely disappeared, as it wos diatposoaring I looked at 4% off ead on ena gradvualiy I could not see it at ol], Roy ratehed it ocaSLauoushy and could 300 ub after I had lost sizht of it--te ually obzerred it ccte tinuously I dbelisvea. i cdiscappoarctl in o. cael y westemrd direction (tonard tho settim: oun).

Jive been interessed in Clying stueors, par inewe “ly avor sinso one oveniag during the 1964 Christmas hol idayso lows pu a ‘“ a TV on>oana on my root when i hooked | up tovmrd the north over tho hilis behind our heme ond oar aw Rares oireuler objec oct . npparanshy atationary, Tho timo of day was avo dusk and I wasehed the oojsot for several winutes and called bo

end a neighbor, gmp ~ho also looked a5 15, 4 continue! wovkteg on cy TV antounn, glancine at the objost mow and then, vith were and moro

| a JATITO\|*no % » er TG SAUCERS. Led Lad

Soe = tne

a uluo botwoen glances, and finally tie object was conde 4 yy

fhers ic @ emwill airstrip at Gient Reok, and f have visited tho grouo of bouple there who have devoted tholr life to flying asusers,. hey ber magy photogsetaphs and books on the subject, ond figuentively scat an@ oleop


~~ ly Saag. « pail ~ i ie 2 ob ll

j ? pf af s 7 j yf > sf - ff

15 February iy54

Colonel Seorge Le ertendaker Commander

fir Technical Intelligence center wright-Pattarson Aix ‘orce Basa, Ohio

Paar Colonel Vertenbaker:

i an Incloaing a report, prepared by Chie? Pngineer of Lockheed Alrerart Vor poration und some of ris Susociates, regarding a “flyloag saucer" inclcent. This report wis handed to ne by Lockheed personnel wita the explanation that “12% Was no.t reluctant to write the report in the first Dince and then sefused to forward it os to you because of his celia? that taose whe profess to have seen flying saucers are not usually considered to be logical and practical harteheaded envineerse However, I thought »ou should have the reoort for whatover value it may be in your over?11 stuclas.

best rey.rds.

sincerely yours,

ie Le ual lieutenant General, JOA\F Commander

rr ine

= EE




Subject: Sighting of Flying Sz : Aircrah Corvovation Peracrnel

To: Se amde x a, Technical inte ligenec WORNer Weric eht-Palters som Ale Force Gare, Wnic

Through: AFP!


Ssuceyv on 16 December 195%

}, The enclosure is mace up of a munber of reports concerting the sighting of a serealiced flying saucer’ on 16 December 1953. The reposts are selt- explana ry. Oanty one copy of the raap is ettached, indi: ating g ze where this device was seen. This

information bas mot been ecledaece to the press, out is Suni “ag fo°: such scientiic DArNIOSesa as Your PFTOUy oney of concerned wit

2. Your comments on the sightings reported will be very much appreciated.


ws {, ; : Vinip

eae 7


i] ( December 1a, 1953


Ts: Air Force Investigating Group on Miyivg Saucers

On Wednesday, December 16th, 1953, my wife and I went out te our ranch , which is three miles west of thar npg antl one mile north of Ventura Bivd. We arrived there at about sundown, which is close to 4:45 P.M. PST. We went ‘vamediately to our ranch house, which is located on a hill facing southwest

At nroroxirnetely 5 o'clock {within bwo mirutec accuracy), I was looking

at the suaset through a marge Baer ee window, when I noticed above 4 mount: ain to the west what { first houghe to be a black cloud. The sun hed gone down and the whole western sky was gold and red, With several!

thin taj rers of cloutis or hase at fairly high altitude, i wondered why this Guz object was so davk, congitering that the sun was dDehind it. I imm~cdiately thought that seme sircrait had mude an intense smoke trail; got studied the objec: closely. KK was apparcrn, aiter my first few Seconds of consideration, thet the outline of this obje ct cid not ananye Thinking it was a lenticular cleud, I continued to study it, but it did “not wove at atl for three raimutes. I do not kuow bow long it was there


( . before my attention was called te it.

When it did not move or disintegrate, lasked my wife to get me our eig sht-power binoculars, xc f would n not have to take my cyes off the object,

4 which by now I had recognized as % so-callea ‘sauce 2", As soonasl was given the glasses, I ran outside and started te focus the glasses on the object, which now was moving fast on . heading betweea 240° and 240°. When i got the slesses focused onthe object, it was already moving behicd the first layer of haze. I gathered its spzed was very Aigh, because ofthe vate of fore-shortening of its major axis. The object, cven in the glasses, appeared black and distinct, bui I cculd make oué no detail, as Twas looking toward the setting sun, which was, of course, below the horizon at this time.

ng se conds | ‘rom tne time it atas ‘ted to rnove, the object had completely disavneared, ae 2 long shallow climb on the heading noted. The clouds were coming onshore, in a direction of t2 avel opposite to that of the obicct. The time in whict ray wife and I studied this object was between

| §:00 end 5:05. The cbiect, which had ho are stationary for at least

| three minutes, appeared to be very large but, not} sowing its distance

fvorn me, 1 could not estimate its dimensions. At all times the obj ect

appeared as an ellipse, with a iinegs ratio of the large r axts to the

| minor one of about 7 or 10 to 1 estimated the position of the oaje et to be voughly over Point Mugs, which les on: aring about 2695” from my ranch.

* 1" y 2 - . 1 “74 * j = i s 7 ? + a Ce =, = q ( Cur * §n0z ning of Decembex ith, { returaed to work, having been absent for = - 1 - a Lat i’ e = me 4, ee * e ?;* = Pay. Lie « 2 - Ser 6 oe aw FOORe = al 4 i - ME |< beekin Ve Cit] aah i * 3: ae ei ita Wirt. wat

' EE | | ed) Pi s 6 {GC es 16.3 a ee

ee ee ee ee eee me —_— A OT te ene '? “Tir ne = 2

= -

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2 = = = ee

“i ee ee. eee

fr a sy - | = / ss ta 7 os * a —s a i - bow 5; vw a", é , F j i é a 7 | if al i = _ a -. ts *,, @ * a ; eo ~ = : 4 : f * J z _ * oid até v # >)


Cn Wednesday, December 16, 1953, I participated in a tost flirht of a Navy

Buy. ation Wi¥~H2, talcing off at he M,s the Ciipnt crew congisiad ocr P pilot; my sell, comp lots | Dlieht engineer: aind » Siignt test engineer. We climbed out Ccrvarda tha ocaan ond geolel ofr at 10,000 feet for a chort teat. After compisting this test.

surned tne controls ae to me and I started siinolag to our naxs tess

altc.tuda of 20,900 fest. Climbed through a very titin, scattered overcast, Jonewhere around 14,090 mA, avoided a couple of small clouds, and continued to clind towards 20,000 feat,

Scvewhers becween 159000 amd 20,000 fse%, Ge 225d co we, "50k Guty thare’s a flying saucer.” IT iosked out the windshield towards where Rey was

o pyr arxl saw some Sort of an object at epproxinate ly rf the altitade tt ah we wre f elyings xX made a slight turn heading r ight towards this object, 2: pecting

> ovortake 7.4, co that wo could look at it mere @ Lonely. I maintained tive

ponding Sor roughly five minutes, Looking at the object all tha tins,

ae und myself viewed this thing for a% least five minutes, ela nosing wo ve thonght 1% micsht de. ‘ier «<>: impression was that 1% was a small

Gemie Alter squdytng 4% for sevaral. minutes thouzh, +4 deduoed that ry Wao tot a cloud Decause 4% had teo dofinite sharp sdgos ari Lis aposarance stayed songtant, it Looked to me like I was Lising righs directly teverds, and 2% abont the sane elevation as, a vary lergs flying wing airplane. IT world aati-- note at ome iime that I was Somewhere batween 17,CCO and 15,600 foas

An Snongh ‘ie object Appaared to ba 2bzao0 Lutely ctatlonar’. wa did not saan to ba clozi ang the gap dDetweer us and this object, sven theuzh we ware ilying at geme 225 miles yer hour. ‘The objach then ssened to ba ratting smaller, and oy attention was diverted from it for & minute or so, Sub Wimmer mentioned that the object waa disappsaring. In probably an clapsed tine of sonswhers aruens 2 minute, tha object had reduced in sizsa to a mers spack, and “hen dis. poeared. Iss direction was simost dua west. At the tine, the sun had gous bale 4 the horizon but the sky was red, end this chject had been silhoustted makes bly ators this red backzrourd. The atmosphere wus axtremely clear, ‘ihen I first sichted the edject, I guessel that it wag probably seven miles away, However, Locking at it in rotrospect, the odject must have been considerably lurgar than f had estimated and, hence, the distance was probably wich greater than [I had ilco e3stinated,.

fqolcing cack at the flight record taken on this rlignht, it was recorded that 18 leveled off ut 20,000 feet at 5:10. oe as we had sighted this cbject ‘an we vere Somewhere between 16,000 ard 18,000 fest, our view of the object siereek at roughly 5 o'clock, or just # Little before e that. We conttaucd witha uu test VlUicat, thinking no more of this observation, and landed «iter 5 s'clock. We diccussed otnar details of the flight and then went home. ‘Ahan I got home, I daseribsd the so-callea flying saucer to mr family and mude a Little sketeh of what it looked like to ma.


& 5 gb : ao = Fs ig *; - ie { - y aL. 4 f 1? AU a . i i 2 - . s 7 ? * = 1 + —= ns | 1 * it, a F ork a 7 i Le Pa i ell . = i‘, | | 2 ' r E * ' re i “all! *T12.. if * ul ae ? 1. las! L ut lel WOlR “al i] a ane fh. Li a CJ GY .k =, a ney 4 . ET 5 ee, ss Co odedk. a 14. . _ = Ds _— gull one fa ! Fr re nas ee = makes Bele fr OO im -~ f & ‘Lui a vapor “Ty & \ As 5, 7 CLa ! i “Ce . < am “a Lie ois ha he a | “+ rs = i : i Wa, . F 4 os e =, A | = © ;, a* i) i = 1 # & = YS, Anuimuch a3 ne i ah retnensa fom &a irip, in atwoncones at 3 = 7s ; * _ = « re y <# 4 Bes = > : PF - 4 a = ting wera aleo Mr. | foe? “as fe discussed a nunhbsr _* 4 : ai - L : a4 ' > Fe i & = T ® i . r ; ~ - FF I = 't 5 tailings ami, in the couese of the sanversaticn, I discusse ithe flirl nds | eal es V.2 a ie “5 \ » aa _ m= ALL. . A. —_—— }= gee " Ts. +e da’ ob A = . Ale V J. ‘é «4 Uno eC M19 4.0 id de ») 3 ry 0 Srl Bal « De due 1, ry ' a 4+ Litasiun . . i ; ; 4 “i ; r ' oP sy ad -" 1. J = | B ? & eo F . = » - he \ a » 4 -" - 1 a . | ie tioned (for Loar of Daing ridiculed) that 2 nad deen on ing a fiyi. saucer

, a z= F . Me ° a Pi + : ol eal i.) E = 2 —_ i: ‘. x > : . _* 4 \ ti Re i od GP »)..52- 1 LS uD immediately = laa on. at ee a7 eal hie ek ao. ba : ae Veils md : j , * oll

' ; 2 ui toh ie ioe 5 2 4} , a | i: osl@a ieee LS “u3 ard whonys ai’ ~ a ee erie! nd AUPCIeD Mi.

1 . i 7 * _ m = & y ibe .* P f i] - 1s as le * } J ——— | ‘Py ~ j P 4 + zs 5 » Wisely D 4 og f Was sir tits *, tit ~. ap 4 & Oot ‘a Mugu. “* AC Lok te, Oh hag” adil i 2 ie & aye the tocatl obiect that I[ sighted wa Pe af Dad at ties AU56 te ecation of the obiect that Bichted was off of Polat ivy Py = f 4 e | 7 2 i, 7 # ly all jh. = = . Ii7* 43." 7 a sity 1. = Fae 7 i a4 is TH. a | a. a i =e = r a 44 * 325 any i At ve a | a ae ie 2 | mertd . oh 2 oF oe ea 287) a i Fil = i Ld Ab, ie -. ie Se ete he Ps, a = gil A * | = Z * > 7 ‘, + = i 4 "i = ye = = pre! i oa hivd i ‘a es » © + S a : . b am, *, # =F —" a s = / 4, iil it a a : oi | ; La [_ or i a _— eo | i ! es . H : - : = u 7 4 Tt ii =e} i . 4 7 “a = \ ital xe elas? ht ae ca ib lk ‘a = ik “4. ew y = 7 2 + LJ a 4 i] _~ : - oo a | rt 7 a mt = eet ratio of uppricmime tel van S Ware s « - | = = =, B.’ % I a at } ! F = a= ae af! Sel), o* ‘* i » ORS “e d Al * “df j 2 ¥ = = ee J + f * 5 & * he i s a a . Cd - a Bh PCCOILSt te o> Bes £8 ab JUL es a4 fF A a # r . . ¥ le 1 eo Li = il ‘= Py iia bi = = 4 * —~ o& - . an P i} = = i a =] '; a j . a” an a | a 7 = . ~ a i ae > 3 Crh peer ar le th * ; -_) 3 a = “PTs * —_ ~—_ * a i. * 2 4, , tra otnoed 4 io an oahtant 4n 4) eee bes, , . tpg ay ie F J i 2 3 a th aol ars a $4 kg y ! i T} ~ “al -—— - ie 4 ro r YJ a * 7 = . L 3 F - * * _ a 1. ' 4 i * ] | “| 2 5 % y ra ] a * on | ! + # ls i neil y + = idir22 Cy 13 <a i 7 4 ai oF a biie | alg “a [oa oo 17 a] a F a Ry “4 . ew Ld = se ~~ tia 7) | ‘] , 1 —_" z _ = | i r i. _ : Se, = yy re * Fe ig - i is Bg i i 7 a J . ' 1 oad * | 7 Tk. 5 i F =i = - a Pa oa b Le =?) iJ ie viry tor Dl ; sa! all * i : J wre | e 7 1 io Ti i -_ = } 5 is ./ } = & j _=_ 2 - _ ie oe i ) . a # i " = = # += i 4, = » rs = | -* + ; * ° 4 - P 7 J i a Sah a | ml := 1 a ' # Pe 2 Hoc UW a, ; OOS 5 Ta. 2. t # el “eal “=m & @ | a : 3 at ‘ee ae) a La is i Ps af # ; a * =. = a + i. a = * " = le " = r an f ® i a= = | ry F ry) Pe @ a ei * bed i | ae? rs * 7 © BG % " l b Pi ig LAL sie | Je ote ‘=, = wie = nv a =e 4 = a b eo ' roi = Pal a* » F = =; eT ok ‘e ' i ok i i, in len * a 7 a el. ia | Pa 7 oe | ' =a cs a :\"3 elear r ably what Hy ii Lou ia i} =, bs A ed! : = ti I a > . i. i * LE . 7 oe | ~ . r ~ £ ; - a | coe ~ - 7T ad - it 1 a] r * 7 | \ j 3°" ri . iT Bh. gw &. eal } Luce etl be Treat LL,» whe hk 3 AS 4 iO JL > wha Aw ft .f vue Tee 74 \ ay’ 3% a 4 es Fy = L we, —e ~u3icon thas i ovserred. a . Puy ri -

a ge eT ea Be | 1 & , if

i ss

Bene oY aph > vo

2. - | i a ae uo po | 4 ec: _*

i _ og © a i a . + i ww. oY anu C08 G-

- if + } . a | * T "4

¥ si 4 a J i _ | 3 es oh 4 = Pe * Laty 4 eft Slits ta -3,0609 feet and Shen we.

ADcor wats ang it § eS Qaeme lind of object, 1% h«a a vrYosoers, Otherr on Soard dzave r3% detest any detelle otaer tnen atrtm us te be at’ teant f'- Cy or 8 Lo otear aif itke shat 23 is a's f= a va e-cse al . aay i Ge powlt.og «id act epoerr to chose is ro yer LL3 olinbdire of whiethea

anay frou us heading

-' ¢ |r a" a : i— «Pe, ot 7 J * * os a} be aod Tal al o F r wf w! * re =. r a a a i w : 7_ «= >. = gl i i 4] 4 c J. = di? 3% Y .

= : * # ores eny _ s sk eee. bh : ay = = & - * - ? 7 a oi | k +. = a = a * 7 ' # ee 5 Jal * = S & ' on * | . Lo _ * i oT = + . ie t ' oo | ® a! *

strane rest

= | . = r) ; 3 Gisagppesred, Tf yat ws

“V Yaa a 3 saver -_* _— wa. . = 4S nabs os. * i =—- par’ es a ul ill ae ote os § | . = * : ee | as . = »* oa 4 . =, - Wa Lawl, OL Lyidaet 8 Mle i. , . ae ee re > 2 biw ig hak : oil ' » ae P * i . - * cea i. F be . ori That uric) ri a ‘> . + : - | ool i _ P. Y 42uetRA felil | 4 f eketd ts e's

a _ = Z ry ‘él A = rea , . = é . = a = 4 * . i j oe. % ea F a | i © i a a gs; i a aia - a = 4°* 4a ; = & = = - ] + 4 ¥ Tl ' = os : ,. “so a" ZL. | _— , * : @ F | La a4 a P * - 4 . ; t » .40570Co" ° ey _ r “= 4 . a - oe t / rood : Fr * i, , a # is wi - = 7 /j F A ae = i) 1 ag i 4, = it r - : ee | ri . \ +e = _3 t = ae | a a @ 5 = i ee me! i i , 6& ; 1 LP. | ala fo ue . Tr? == i . ino ce oe ol i i 4’ 2 tt j 4 yf “33 . wy oi a = a fel = ‘i Sa & a J P . iz a ah id= a = = il = a v - a if == = ‘fo = i a | LO, Ae. i‘ oe a ' +) - 3 . de = L = z a = . OO nO rode our e2007 eed

é <a T * " a J _ : * , wit By = ie a ia ALL | , #) lt « {i a

z oinutes £ suddeaiy roalized it was

» Jn the soees of about ore cinute

a | Ar * it = "i 7 . | ‘, a. 4 FT - r |

] i =. , = 2 it~ 5 © ae os i 1 } + o he - a! A 2 = 7 - 7 = | = : 3 = .

S> Of tne cruw red iest at ; ex

om a 7 =| 1 Aa 7 * . » * | WLIICAaALNusSa ita nary OHriiGs ee

‘= 4% . ® ' = " * i = i; * , ar digncl’ at ¥ ,u oF ry 7 F al .* 4



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